We’re thrilled to announce that thanks to funding support from the Victorian Government, we’re launching a new project aimed atbuilding the next generation of volunteers in community sport.
Our project ‘Engaging and Empowering the Next Generationof Community Sport Volunteers in the South West’ will work with local clubs to understand the current volunteer needs in community sport and find new and novel ways to support young people into volunteer roles.
We’ll be delivering training to clubs to build their capacity to mentor young volunteers, succession plan, and develop the conceptof micro volunteering within their clubs. As well as looking for young people who already volunteer in community sport to share their experiences with others.
This project will see the team travelling right across the south west as part of our Emerging Volunteer Pop Up Tour, visiting six existing youth centric events, to discuss the benefits of volunteering and the opportunities available to young people, with a goal of collecting 600v olunteer pledges from 12-25 year olds.