The Annual General meeting (AGM) is an important event for every organisation and an essential requirement for incorporated organisations. It gives its members, the general public, and the committee a broad overview of the organisation's current directions and financial health. It is also the time to revitalise the organisation through the official engagement of members into key elected positions.
An AGM is a meeting of all the members of an incorporated association. The AGM must be held after the end of the financial year so that the financial statements can be presented. It must take place within 5 months of the end of your association’s financial year.
1. Familiarise yourself with your club’s governing rules
The AGM must be run using the procedures in the club’s rules. Check your club’s constitution, or if you club has adopted the model rules for an incorporated association, make sure the committee is familiar with the procedures in place.
2. What needs to be presented at the AGM?
Prepare and present the following documents and make them available to members and committee members:
- A set of accounts (balance sheet and financial statement) in the required format (check Consumer Affairs Victoria for specific formats).
- The Annual Report, containing:
- The financial accounts (usually presented by the Treasurer)
- A summary of the year's activities (Eg. President’s Report)
- A record of the year's achievements
- A preview of what is planned for the next year
3. What is the best order for an AGM?
An Agenda consisting of following activities is standard fora club’s AGM:
- Welcome by chairperson
- Apologies
- Confirmation of minutes of the previous AGM
- Business arising from the minutes
- Chairperson's report
- Treasurer's report and presentation of audited financial statement
- Election of Office Bearers
- General business
- Guest speaker (if any)
- Date of next meeting (if known)
- Close
- Minutes(the relevant minutes are the minutes from the previous AGM, not the previous Board meeting)
4. What actions needs to be captured in the AGM minutes?
The procedures at the AGM are basically the same as those at an ordinary committee meeting.
Motions must be moved:
- to accept the minutes of the last AGM
- to approve the Chair's report (the Annual Report)
- to approve the Treasurer's report (the Financial Statement
- to appoint ... as auditor for next year (if required).
Motions must be seconded, and a vote (generally a show of hands) taken.
5. What next?
After the AGM, a committee member must certify that they attended the AGM and that the financial statements were presented and accepted.
The club must lodge its annual statement with Consumer Affairs, every year within one month after its annual general meeting, including all relevant supplementary documents.
For more information visit Consumer Affairs Victoria guide on AGMs - HERE